Oct 30, 2020 | Newsletter
ANNUAL REPORT FY 2019/20 KUNDE HOSPITAL AND OUTREACH CLINICS SUBMITTED BY Dr. Kami Temba Sherpa, Kunde Hospital Date: 30th August 2020 This report covers the twelve months period from June 2019 to July 2020. It includes an overview of the hospital and outreach health...
Oct 30, 2020 | Newsletter, ZOC High School
October, 2020 Students at the Zeke O’Connor High School, Phaplu, Nepal. Wearing masks and social distancing, teachers and students are happy to be back in class following a 7-month lockdown! Download as a PDF
Jul 16, 2020 | Newsletter
An Important Message to our Supporters CANCELLATIONS Due to ongoing crowd control and event management restrictions brought on by the fight against COVID-19, and further to my June communique, this note serves to confirm the cancellation of two of our recently...
Jun 17, 2020 | Newsletter
Dear Friends, COVID-19 has caused us all major health-related and financial hardships since the beginning of the year, and its threat continues to adversely affect our collective physical and economic health beyond 2020. In consideration, this year’s Annual Herb...
Apr 27, 2020 | Newsletter
GLOBAL OUTBREAKS OF COVID-19 CONTINUE TO AFFECT US ALL, AND IN SO MANY WAYS! My hope is that as you read this, you, your family and friends are healthy and safe wherever you are, while doing your part to help combat the devastating potential of COVID-19. KUNDE...
Aug 23, 2019 | Newsletter
HELP US CONTINUE TO HELP THE SHERPAS As we enter late summer 2019 and look ahead, we usually are reaching out to you with a hold the date for the SEHF Annual Gala. I regret to inform you that our Annual Gala Dinner and Auctions, usually celebrated at the Omni King...